I've always loved birds and bird watching, ever since I was a little girl, sharing whispered moments with my MawMaw on her swing, observing the bustle at her feeders. Their delicate beauty, resourcefulness, animated movements, unique language, immense diversity... it all captures and holds my attention and causes me to pause, listen and watch. Birds, to me, display God's creativity and imagination beautifully. Birds are referenced many times in the Bible for different reasons, all of them personal. One of the most familiar passages is Matthew 10:29-31 "Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? And not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father. But even the hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not, therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows."
If God is even concerned and aware of the common sparrow, how much greater is his awareness and affection for me, who has been created in his own image? From what I understand, the sparrows were being sold as an acceptable sacrifice at the temple for those too poor to afford a more esteemed animal sacrifice. Even though they are considered common and in abundance, scripture tells us that God still knows and cares for their every move.
When we found out we were pregnant with our second child, I wanted to name them Sparrow. I'm not sure if Justin was fully on board, but in my heart, that baby was Sparrow. When I miscarried about 10 weeks into the pregnancy, I knew that it was never intended to be ours, but was ushered directly into the presence of the Lord, that he/she "had not fallen to the ground apart from the Father". I spent a lot of time in the woods shortly after that, to pause, listen, watch and be healed.
Our hearts did heal, 11 months later we welcomed another little one, and now we have arrived at a place of knowing that it is time, once again, to expand our nest.
Finding Sparrows is not at all about replacing the baby I miscarried. Instead, I think of the millions of orphans across the globe, who, to some cultures, may be considered common or replaceable, like the cheap sparrow sacrificed at the temple. But each one of those millions is seen, is known, is named by God. So we are faithfully stepping forward to find them, to know them, to give them their new name of "loved", "wanted", "hoped for", "treasured".
As we go through the long labor process of adoption, and as our future child(ren) gestate in our hearts and prayers, I find comfort in knowing that the Lord's eye is already upon them, just as he watches over the numerous birds of the air.
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